The Statherian
The Statherian Period lasted from 1.8 billion years to 1.6 billion years ago. Like the other two periods, the Rhyacian Period and the Orosirian Period, this period is dated chronometrically. This period is also rich with some of the major events which not only enriched the features of the Proterozoic Era but also play significant role in the history of the Earth's geology.
Statherian Period: Name
The name of this period is derived from a Greek word which means firm or stable. The name thus suggests that this is the period of calmness and stability. Unlike the previous eras this Statherian Period is marked by calm life.
Statherian Period: A period of calmness
All of the previous eras were characterized by different types of violent events which include frequent and extensive volcanic activities at the time of the Rhyacian period. The Orosirian period too was marked by extensive ice age and snowball Earth due to the Huronian glaciations. Impacts of massive asteroid and extensive orogeny also characterized the Orosirian period. After a long time the Earth got stability and was relatively calm during the Statherian Period. This period offered calmness for about 200 million years.
Statherian Period: Formation of the super continent Columbia
It is in this Statherian Period and about 1.8 billion years to 1.6 billion years ago that Columbia, the first super continent was formed. Formation of the super continent was really interesting. The major continents Atlantic and Ur, Nena expanded by accretion as they drifted together and this expansion created a huge super continent called Columbia. Also due to extensive continental shelve stable bases formed for the continents. As the continents approached each other fold belts were produced and they became cratonized. This movement also led to major thickening of crust in the said areas.
Statherian Period: Life in this period
It is the period when complex life appeared in the Earth. It is the period when eukaryotes were believed to be appeared. As there are contradictory opinions regarding the origin of these cells in the Rhyacian period but it was proved and also cleared that these eukaryotes were originated in this Statherian Period.
Extinct Profiles
Triassic Dinosaurs
Jurassic Dinosaurs
Cretaceous Dinosaurs
Marine Reptiles
Dinosaur Extinction