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Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
SuperOrder: Dinosauria
Order: Ornithischia
SubOrder: Ornithopoda
Family: Hadrosauridae
Genus: Parasaurolophus

Parasaurolophus. A herbivore from the Late Cretaceous Era (76-73 Million years ago). There were many fossils found in Alberta , Canada, New Mexico, and Utah, USA. The first fossil records were in 1902, but there was a lot of confusion on if the fossils were from another dinosaur that had been previously found. Once it was 1922 a man by the name of William Parks found a skull and that same early partial bone structure, in Alberta . After putting the pieces together it was proven true that the old fossil record was indeed a Parasaurolophus.
The Parasaurolophus is from the hadrosaurid family which is a very unique family of dinosaurs. Typically the dinosaurs from this group had strange shaped heads. The Parasaurolophus proves no different because it had a cranial crest which looked like a long curved tube projecting upwards and back from the skull. This could've been used for recognition of each other, loud unique sounds, and thermoregulation (control body temperature)
.Just for fun we have a soundclip available for you to hear what a Parasaurolophus could've sounded like. Click to the Dinosaur Sounds area to hear it. Please note that the dinosaur sounds are only for entertainment and are not an actual fact.
Extinct Profiles
Triassic Dinosaurs
Jurassic Dinosaurs
Cretaceous Dinosaurs
Marine Reptiles
Dinosaur Extinction